Saturday, April 5, 2008


Sorry I can't AGAIN because I am too busy--bye forever! T_T


Nah, I'm still gonna post stuff on this blog! YAY!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Just Sayin'!

I know I am not posting anymore, but I was bored and on KootyKinz, I found a whole list of Webkinz! Upcoming Webkinz, and Rumored. If you are reading this on like 2009m 2010 2011 ect., then don't comment like They Already Have This! I posted it on 2008, so don't do anything like that. So bye....

Alley Cat
American Cocker Spaniel
Basset Hound
Bengal Tiger
Black Bear
Black Cat
Black Lab
Black Friesian
Black Poodle
Black and White Cat
Black and White Cheeky Dog
Brown Dog
Brown Stallion
Bull Dog
Bull Frog
Charcoal Cat
Cheeky Cat
Cheeky Dog
Cheeky Monkey
Cheeky Raccoon
Chocolate Lab
Clydesdale Horse
Cocker Spaniel
Collie Dog
Easter Duck
German Sherperd
Gold and White Cat
Golden Retriever
Gray and White Cat
Gray Aribian Horse
Grey Wolf
Guinea Pig
Himalyan Cat
Koala Bear
Lemon-Lime Gecko
Leopard Lizard
Love Frog
Love Kitten
Love Puppy
Monarch Butterfly
Persian Cat
Pink Googles
Pink Pony
Pink Poodle
Pink and White Cat
Pino Horse
Polar Bear
Samoyed Dog
Siasmese Cat
St. Benard
Sherbet Bunny
Snow Leopard
Spotted Frog
Striped Snake
Tie-Dye Frog
Tiger Snake
Tree Frog
Valentine Monkey
Velvety Elephant
Wacky Zingoz
Welsh Corgi
Whimsy Dragon
White Mouse
White Terrier
Yellow Lab

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I don't wanna feel guilty, because I copy Webkinz Insider. Go there! Because I am not doing this anymore. So, go on! I won't be here. Bye, -Kevin

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

5 New Recipes Idenfied With Pictures!

As many of you have noticed, the newspaper in Webkinz World announces that 5 additional Webkinz recipes have been added. The announcement gives us the name of 2 of these 5 recipes, but our users have discovered the other 3, through TC2 and Pet of the Month adoptions, along with pictures of each!

Berribrite Blast

Magimmery Mist




Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chicken, Leopard Lizard, Bridal Gown, and Veil Registered!

Here is the Webkinz Chicken! Its special item is the egg chair, and the special food is Candy Corn Compote. The Leopard Lizard's Special Item is Leopard Lizard Lounge. Its special food is Cricket Croquette.
And here the Wedding stuff was also registered. The Bridal Gown, and the Veil! Looks nice doesn't it?

Monday, March 24, 2008

More Imformation About The American Cocker Spaniel!

More imformation about the American Cocker Spaniel!!! The Pet Specific Item, which is shown in the picture above, is the Fastcar Racer and the Pet Specific Food is a Doggy Bone Burger!

The New May Webkinz Pictures Online!


With my fourth breaking news article for today, we have confirmed the virtual images for the May Webkinz!

The following image shows all the 5 new Webkinz: Webkinz Whimsy Dragon, Webkinz Samoyed, Webkinz Lioness, Webkinz Gecko and Webkinz Rhino.

In addition, it shows with the two new Lil Kinz: Lil Kinz Chicken and Lil Kinz Black Poodle. This image is fully verified and confirmed with Ganz.

We still don't have any details on Pet Specific Items or Pet Specific Foods, but here's what they look like in Webkinz World!!

New Webkinz, New Lil' Kinz For May Confirmed With Ganz!

I have pictures of May Releases!

As predicted in that previous article, the Webkinz for May are the Webkinz Gecko, Webkinz Lioness, Webkinz Rhino, Webkinz Samoyed, and the Webkinz Whimsy Dragon. Also added to the Lil Kinz line are the Lil Kinz Black Poodle and Lil Kinz Chicken.

This leaves the Webkinz Leomon-Lime Gecko, Webkinz Pink Googles, Webkinz Siamese Cat, and the Webkinz Striped Snake as the new Webkinz to be released in June!

Enjoy the pictures of the plushies!

Game Trophies!

You know that you can get game trophies right? Well, here is a picture of the Goober's Lab Game Trophy.

And, this is how to get all the other game trophies. (NOTE: Not all games have a trophy!)




CANDY BASH 2: Dropped from the sky at random, No definite level correlation (perhaps higher chances at higher levels)

CASH COW 1: Clear a large amount of one color– Must have extactly 100 points to get this, if the number that pops up after a bit drop is like “12″ that is really “112″ and you had too many. Approx 20-40 or so blocks is the magic number, it becomes less as you go up in level because blocks are worth more points.

GOOBER’S LAB: Getting a special combo consisting of the 5 atom bonus atom….(Meaning 5 atoms immediately followed by a 4 atom using the glowing leftover atom from the 5 atom group) No definite level correlation (perhaps higher chances at higher levels)

GO GO GOOGLES: Randomly if you spell GOOGLES (level requirement: ? ? ? )

SKATER KAT: Finish all 16 levels [ GAME IS RETIRING SOON]

OPERATION GUMBALL: Randomly at the end of the level completion ….. No definite level correlation (Can be gotten at level one, perhaps higher chances at higher levels)

POLAR PLUNGE: Finish the course, This gets you to about (____) KC and (___) points at the end, so you know how close you are!

WACKY ZINGOZ: Hit over 600 Feet [Trophy retired]

ZACKY’S QUEST: Finish all 20 Levels

ZINGOZ BOUNCE: Randomly after bouncing 100 times (score of 700 or more)

ZINGOZ POP: Complete through level 30 on the “Normal” setting [Gold Trophy]Also, Silver trophy for clearing 40+ balls [Retired]

June Pet Of The Month!

Continuingour early announcements of the pets for the Webkinz Pet of the Month for all previous months with 100% accuracy, I has confirmed Ganz's selection for June's Pet of the Month.

June's Pet of the Month will be the Webkinz Elephant.

Don't forget that the Webkinz Panda is the Pet of the Month for May (HM111), the Webkinz Pink Poodle is the Pet of the Month for April, and that I have all the imformation on Webkinz!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

More Imformation About The Lil' Kinz Mouse!

The mouse's special item is Swiss Cheese Table and the mouse's favorite food is Cheesy Cheese Cake!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Something Wrong With Webkinz!!!

Yes, its true, and it is not just your computer, it is with Ganz, there was something happening when you logged in, there was a blue screen!!! Just log in a couple of times and it will have a normal screen. Here is a picture:And, something happened to our gardens! You may see that the dirt is still here, but the plants aren't! And if you check it, it'll say GOOD GROWING. So, Ganz may solve the problem by tomorrow or later. Here is another picture:

2008 Spring Gifts Revealed!

Due to a glitch with the 2007 Spring Gift Boxes, some of our members were able to get a sneak peek at the 2008 Spring Gifts. We're not exactly sure why this is happening, but it appears that every 2007 Spring Gift Box that has been opened since the maintenance on Thursday morning has contained the new 2008 gift items.

Because of this, we are able to report to you that this year's Gift Box will contain Chocolate Eggs, a Tulip Planter, and Spring Celebration Shoes!
The Chocolate Eggs also made an appearance in the 2006 and 2007 Gift Boxes and are the prize being awarded during the current Spring Fest celebration. The Spring Celebration Shoes are a brand new item that has never been seen in Webkinz World before! Here is a pic of Uppies' Polar Bear, Nick, sporting the 2008 shoes as well as the 2007 Fuzzy Pink Bunny Ears. Be Careful Nick, those are eggshells! We don't yet know if this change to the 2007 Gift Boxes was an intentional move by Ganz, or if it was a simply a programming mistake. Based on member reports, this is the only past holiday box that has been affected. Members who still have these boxes in their docks may want to hang on to them until this is sorted out. As soon as we learn more, we will be sure to let you know.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Springfest Has Begun!!!

The long awaiting Springfest celebration is now underway in Webkinz World! Decorated eggs have been spotted floating around.

If you spot an egg, be sure to click on it! You will be rewarded with some delicious Chocolate Eggs as shown below!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Game, More Theme Items, and Floating Eggs!!!

Overnight maintenance has resulted in some new changes to Webkinz World this morning. There is now a new game in the Arcade called Tropical Troubles, the Pretty In Pink theme now has a complete set of items and there will soon be Floating Eggs throughout Webkinz World.

The new Tropical Troubles game will be perfect for the Bananza lovers out there! It features the Bananza monkey in search of his coveted bananas.
Here is an in-game photo of the new Tropical Troubles game:
As noted above, the newest W Shop theme "Pretty In Pink" appears to be complete now, with the second installment of items now available for purchase. Here are all of the items available in the theme:
Lastly, the Newz section in Webkinz World states that we should all keep an eye out for floating eggs! If you catch an egg, you will be rewarded with a bunch of chocolate eggs, so keep your clicking finger sharp!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Coming Soon: Celebrate Spring In Webkinz World!

Spring is nearly here, and as many of you have noticed, there are new advertisements running in Webkinz World. These "Celebrate Spring" ads, which show White and Sherbet Bunnies decorating and playing with Easter Eggs, are a reminder that it is almost time for our Spring Gifts to arrive.

In 2006 the Spring Gift Box looked like a giant Easter Egg and contained White Bunny Ears and Chocolate Easter Eggs. In 2007 the Gift Box looked like an Easter Basket and contained Marshmallow Bunnies, more Chocolate Easter Eggs, and Fuzzy Pink Bunny Ears. There's no telling what this year's box will contain.
So, remember to log on to your Webkinz account on Sunday, March 23rd to recieve your special gift. If you don't log on, the KinzPost will pass you by and you'll have to wait an entire year for more Spring themed gifts.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Webkinz Studio is currently unavailable for some repairs. So if you have a studio then don't sell it! It is just having some repairs! =)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Lil' Kinz Leopard NOT Retiring!

Webkinz had made an error! The Webkinz Leopard is not retiring!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Charm Forest Crystal Available?

Received this item in a trade from someone who was not sure how they had gotten it. We had all assumed that this was just another item that did not actually exist outside of the Webkinz World previews for the Charm Forest.

Is this an item that may be available in the Charm Forest at some point in the future? Or is this an item as rare as contest trophies and only a handful of Webkinz World users will ever possess one? Only time will tell...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Holiday Webkinz For 2008 - 2009!

We are having new Holiday Webkinz that are coming in 2008 - 2009... But they aren't like the Black Cat and the Reindeer.... They're having a Webkinz Bat and a Webkinz Snowman!!! We don't know that if the Reindeer and Black Cat are gonna end up like the Sherbet Bunny and the Love Puppy, but all we know is that new Holiday Webkinz are coming... And best of all that there is gonna have a Webkinz Valentine's Monkey! We're not sure if it is a Love Monkey, but then stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Employement Office

6PM - 7PM: Shoe Clerk, Miss Birdy's Assistaint, Baby Sitter, Dr. Quack's Assistaint, Piano
7PM - 8PM: Kinz Post, Arte's Assistaint, Fence Painting, Grocery Clerk, Baby Sitting
8PM - 9PM: Piano, Kinz Post, Baby Sitting, Miss Birdy's Assistaint, News Delivery
9PM - 10PM: Baby Sitting, Sandwich Making, Dr. Quack's Assistaint, News Delivery, Piano
10PM - 11PM: Sandwich Making, Flooring Assistaint, Baby Sitting, Miss Birdy's Assistaint, Fence Painting
11PM - 12AM: News Delivery, Baby Sitting, Miss Birdy's Assistaint, Fence Panting, Arte's Assistaint

Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Kinz Style Additions To Webkinz World!

As a follow-up to our article from yesterday, reporting the mysterious new additions to the Kinz Style shop in Webkinz World, we have confirmed information from Ganz that there are new additions to the Kinz Style line! These additions are due to be shipped to retailers in April.

The new clothing will be the following items: Chalk Flower Top, Smocked Sundress, Big It Up Hat, Swimming Trunks, Wildflower Swimsuit, Smart Sweater Vest, Turquoise Blouse, Blue Football Jersey, Stone Wash Jeans, Brown Cords, Star Fly Pants, Tuxedo, Warm Up Set, Candy Capri Set, Webkinz Hoody, Cherry Tank, Cupcake Tee with Skirt, Lilac Sparkle Party Dress, Cheerleader, Basketball Outfit, Gathered Top & Pants, Kaleidoscope Skirt Set, Pink Poodle PJ Set, Wedding Dress.

While a tuxedo and wedding dress will now be available in Webkinz World, don't forget this part of the FAQ's found here (

Can Webkinz pets get married and have children?
Webkinz pets can't get married because they are too young -- they aren't even teenagers yet! Lil’Kinz are little brothers and sisters for your Webkinz pets, so if your pet is lonely you can adopt a whole bunch and then they can have lots of siblings!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

More Wish Tokens News On Webkinz World!

Have you ever got a Webkinz Trophy before? Well, there is a new Webkinz Trophy, the Token Collector Trophy! And shown below, is the picture of 2 Super Tokens! Both of these tokens (the Token Collector Trophy and the Super Token) appeared to be normal Wish Tokens, but yielded different results when they were "entered" into the Wish Factory! Good luck with those tokens everyone!

New Clothes Discovered In The Webkinz Kinz Style Shop!

New items in the Kinz Style shop in Webkinz World! Pictures of the items themselves do not appear in the Kinz Styleshop, even if you click "preview"! Until these items actually appear with pictures in the Kinz Style shop, we want to caution all of you against buying them, as it may lock up your account until the items are fully-added to the Webkinz World servers. In the meantime, you can imagine how these new clothes will look by reading the descriptions below!


Cheer on the team in this blue

and white tank top! Go Webkinz go!

WARM UP SET HOODY (115 Kinz Cash):

Your Webkinz pet will be ready to hit the

gym in this pink and white hoody.

Pretty In Pink Theme Added to Webkinz World!

In an effort to keep everyone up to date on the newest and most exciting additions and changes to Webkinz World, we sort of let one new addition fall by the wayside this week with our barrage of posts! On Wednesday morning, when so many changes were put into place, another theme was added to the W Shop. It's a "girl"-style theme called "Pretty In Pink". Only part of the theme has been released up to this point, and we're not sure if the other half will be coming to the W Shop or if the additional pieces will end up at Arte's Curio Shop!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Wheel of Wishes, Saturday and Sunday!!!

As the news in the Webkinz World newspaper reports, the Wheel of Wishes is coming! This is an all day event Saturday (starting at 6 am)! The wheel contains some pretty standard wheel prizes, except for the Wish Tokens and the announced, but unreleased, Rockin' Mohawk! Also, for those of you with this month's Pet of the Month activated in your accounts (Lil' Kinz Pig), you'll get another go at the Wheel of Wishes on Sunday. Don't forget to log in on Saturday and Sunday so that you use both chances! Cross your fingers in hopes that this won't be a repeat of the Wheel of the Month issues when it was first introduced!

The wheel has:
  • Random Cash
  • Recipe Food
  • Air Hockey
  • 1 token
  • 50 KinzCash
  • 1 token
  • 2 Tokens

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Floating Wacky Zingoz In Webkinz World!

Members have been reporting that Wacky Zingoz have been floating through Webkinz World for most of the day. Clicking on one of the large Zingoz awards you a chocolate bat, as a promotion for the new Wacky Zingoz plush toy that we reported on a few days ago. Make sure you log in today and wait a bit for one to float by, so you can get your chocolate bat! The floating Wacky Zingoz is shown to the left and the "awarding" message is shown to the right!

***UPDATE!!!*** There is just more than one, there is three! *BLUE CANDY HYPER BAT* *PINK CANDY GRAVITY BAT*

Retired Pets

Another change in Webkinz World today brings news of new retirements, and a surprise about the Webkinz Sherbet Bunny and Webkinz Love Puppy! If you look closely in the "Pets & Stuff" catalog within Webkinz World, you will notice a few new retired Webkinz!! The Black Friesian and the Yellow Lab have both been retired. Neither of these pets has a matching Lil' Kinz, so their PSIs will rise in trade value! In addition, if you look closely, the Love Puppy and Sherbet Bunny have both lost their "Seasonal" status and are now listed as officially retired!! This is a surprise as it is in contrast to what was previously thought and eluded to by the Webkinz Creative Director some time ago.

Secondly, if you bring up the Lil' Kinz section in Webkinz World, you will notice that the Lil' Kinz Panda and the Lil' Kinz Leopard have both been retired as well! Both of these have "Big Kinz" counterparts, so their PSIs will not be as hard to get as the Webkinz listed above. The most thing that is really surprising is that the lil' kinz leopard just joined!

New Wish Factory In Webkinz World!

Now is the answers to all your questions!!! The Webkinz Tokens are used in the Webkinz Wish Factory! These Wish Tokens are for earning exclusive items! Users can deposit wish tokens and once at least 10 tokens have been deposited, an exclusive item (excluding Superbeds) may be selected. The items range in price from 10 tokens to 30 tokens.
Most of the items are in the 10-12 Token range, with the the "most expensive" item being the Circle Of Friends Topiary for 30 tokens! These amounts can be viewed in the exclusive section of the W Shop, as shown below on the ATV:

Webkinz Tiger Snake!!!

Like I had told you, the Tiger Snake Adoptions are due today!!! Here is a picture of the Tiger Snake with its item, the Serpintine Stream!

Its favorite Food is Eel Enchilida:

And soory to say this, but the Tiger Snake can only wear shirts, hats, and sunglasses! It cannot wear pants, and shoes: