Saturday, January 26, 2008

More Winterfest Information!

Winter Fest has officially begun! Snowflakes are flying all over Webkinz World, in the arcade, in the employment office, and even inside of houses! Winter Fest will run in Webkinz World from January 26th through February 1st. The Snowflakes are expected to fall from 6am to 11pm every day.
This year the prizes are more exciting than ever. Clicking on a floating snowflake may win you a cup of Egg Nog, a Framed Winter Scene, Fuzzy Winter Slippers, a Googles Ice Sculpture, a Potted Icicle Tree, a Snow Bear Suger Cookie, a Snow Cone, or a Winter Fest Parka.
In addition to the brand new prizes, four of the five prizes from Winter Fest 2007 have returned. So, those of you who missed out last year have a shot at collecting Hot Chocolate Frozen Mugs, Peppermint Snowflakes, Snowflake Sweaters, and Snowy Blue Toques.
The one prize from 2007 that has not returned is the Polar Plunge Poster. Anyone who has this poster in their house from last year is advised to hang on to it. We don't know if or when it will become available again.